Sunday, August 31, 2014

Steve Craig Men's Men and Women's Women 8/31/14

Summary: In Steve Craig’s article, “Men’s Men and Women’s Women” he discusses four different types of commercials. Craig titles these four types of commercials: men’s men, men’s women, women’s women, and women’s men. First off, these four categories describe different types of gender portrayal. For instance, Steve Craig says that a men’s men commercial features masculine men that are free from commitment and that seek adventure. Along with male fantasy, women’s women and women’s men cover the female fantasy. For example, women either like a sexy single male or a sensitive man that will do for his woman.

Response: I agree and disagree with Steve Craig in that these four categories still exist today. Commercials like the ones Carl’s Jr. advertise with a model eating a big cheeseburger uphold that Steve Craig’s categories are still used today. However, with commercials like AXE featuring attractive women that lust for the guy that uses their product, to me it leans more towards Jack Solomon’s “Masters of Desire: The Culture of American Advertising” when Solomon talks about being an elitist. Solomon states that we want to be equal yet rise above the rest.  


  1. I agree with you that some of his categories are out of date, but a majority of them still comply. I think that the axe commercial could fall under the men's women though, since the commercial is of women chasing after men. This means that men would purchase the product to attract women. And women would not buy their men a product that is supposed to attract other women to him. So I agree and disagree with your interpretation of Steve Craig's "Men's men and Women's women".

  2. Couldn't both of these articles apply to the Axe commercials?
